Other Peeps' Stuph

Seamheads Ballparks

Seamheads Ballparks is an amazing "Parkfactor Database".

See parts of their About Section below:

"This database contains batting statistics by ballpark for

Major League Baseball from 1871 through 2019...

This database also contains park configuration data by year for each

major league ballpark used..."

Check it out!

Seamheads Negro Leagues Database

Seamheads Negro Leagues DB is an amazing Negro League Baseball "Statistical Encyclopedia".

See part of their Introduction below:

"The Seamheads Negro Leagues Database is an in-progress statistical encyclopedia covering Black professional baseball players, teams, and leagues during the era of segregation. "

Check it out!

Here's one from 20th Century Baseball/Shock Me. Who would you bench?
See the Baseball Harmony analysis below.

Horsehide Dragnet

Check out this amazing collection of Major League Equivalents (MLEs) for your favorite Major and Negro League Baseball and Nippon Professional Baseball players!

Horsehide Dragnet

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